We have Answers

  • +91 8956348337
  • disha.eco@gmail.com
  • Sun - Fri: 9am to 6pm
Department Objectives Methodology Target
Marketing To enhance customer satisfaction Compute Customer Satisfaction survey score every year. 100 %
To Increase the sales growth. Compute sales growth every year. 10 %
H.R. To upgrade employee skill by providing training. Compute no. of training event conducted in a quarter Min. 2 event
 in a quarter
To increase housekeeping score To compute housekeeping score every month. Min. 85 % score
Quality To keep customer complaints minimum. Compute no. of complaints received in a month. 0 complaints
To reduce Cost of poor quality. Compute cost of poor quality in rupees per month. 2K Max/Month
To minimize customer end rejection . Compute Cust. End rejection qty in nos.  With Despatch qty every month. 300 PPM
To minimize customer end rework . Compute Cust. End rework qty in nos.  With Despatch qty every month. 300 PPM
Production To minimize internal rejection Compute rejection qty. in nos.  with production qty every month.  2000 PPM max
To minimise internal rework Compute rework qty. in nos.  with production qty every month.  2000 PPM max
To increase the productivity. Compute increasing production qty. every month. 5 % min.
Maintenance To minimize machine breakdown hrs. Analyze monthly breakdown hrs data 10 Hrs Max
To reduce maintenance cost. To compute the maintenance cost every month. 10 % /Month
Admin To increase the delivery percentage. Compute monthly customer  schedule Vs. dispatch qty. 100 %
On time delivery./ To reduce delay delivery. To compute delay in number every month. 1 No. Max.
Team Leader To reduce NC in audit. To compute NC’s in internal audit every quarter. 0 Towards.
All Staff To analysis the internal & external issue. To compute internal & external issue.in no. every month. 2 nos./ Quarter
To  plan continual improvement activities Compute continual improvement activities planned in a quarter. Min. 1 activities in 12 months
Development To reduce the development time. To compute development plan time vs actual time. 20 % Min.


Responsibilities & Authorities
Sr No Responsibility Interface Authority
01. To identify, establish, monitor & control processes needed for Quality management system & their application throughout the organisation. Team Leader To take decision.
02. To provide the evidence of commitment to the development & implementation of the Quality management system & continually improving the effectiveness " To take decision.
03. To establish quality policy & quality objectives for all functional levels. " To revise the quality policy
04. To prepare business plan & to update the same as per the changes to the Quality management system. -- To take decision
05. To define responsibilities & authorities & ensure the communication of the same throughout the organisation. Team Leader To change / add responsibilities & authorities
06. To appoint Management Representative             To change MR
07. To ensure internal communication within the organisation " To decide methodology
08. To review Quality management system to ensure its continual suitability, adequacy & effectiveness " To take decision
09. To determine & provide resources & infrastructure " To approve purchases.
10. To determine competence of personnel within the organisation. " To decide the minimum requirement
12. To ensure effective communication to Customer Customer / Team Leader To decide Methodology
13. To analyse data for continual improvement of the performance of the organisation " To take actions for improvement
14. To decide Corrective action for effectiveness of Quality management system. " To decide the methodology
15. To decide preventive action for potential problems. " To decide the methodology
16. To Approve quality manual & WP manual " To approve any change